“Serious minds at peace” behind “A Funny Thing called War”.

Fun people are working seriously to put together their *t-h-i-r-d* production of “A Funny Thing Called War”.

“This is the third time; I hope good luck lies in odd numbers. . . There is divinity in odd numbers, either in nativity, chance or death.”

Don’t give me that look. Ofcourse, I did not come up with that line. That’s Sire William Shakespeare for you.

Now here is a chance for me to boast that the cast and crew of Tahatto has grown quite a bit beyond famous quotes, numerology, luck, speculation and all that. The play has won many hearts and has only gotten better. Thanks to all those who came to see the play and also gave us valuable feedback.

We are not as nervous as we were at our first production but the butterflies in the stomach don’t go away that fast and start fluttering everytime we near a production. That ‘feeling’ kind of has begun to show its traces. It feels sweeter though. 🙂

While I am the most absent-minded and lost of the Tahatto lot (It could be a compliment, for long I thought! Wow – that rhymes!); the entire crew is all agile, up on work to have you all informed and entertained this month. We are doing our third show (how I love saying “third”) this December on 27th at Kyra. It’s a Sun-day meant to be a fun-day. (Gosh! I am a poet!).

Fifteen minutes ago, I had a quick read of one of the emails from Piyush – a friend, who says that statistics say that it was largely by word-of-mouth that we had an over-booked show last time. We now have statistics and all. Boy ! Arent we getting savvy and everything?! Most of all, it’s such a big deal to have people thinking of you as a credible lot. WOW and thank you.

However, I am not so happy as my friends are also a little concerned that many people might have different plans over our “third” show, owing to festivities of Christmas and New Year. Well, we have too. So, what’s new? (See, that rhymed again!) :-).  Nunno, we arent freaky run-away actors yet, we have plans with the show, not over it. Relax 😉

If you are away traveling and plans are set, then we will see you post our “third” show BUT if you in town THEN you MUST consider being at our show, infact, I would go as far as saying, revise your plan and catch the show.

It is in the news. It is in the air. IT IS F*U*N !

Let us please have an extended Christmas party on 27th – ‘with you’. See you !

P.S:- (Pssst…Pssst…Block your tickets NOW !)


  1. Piyush Agarwal

    Heh..lol..well said Namrta. I like the sound of “third” too! 🙂

    We are becoming a credible lot and you are getting way too poetic here…
    don’t get over overboard or it will be tough to bear!! (btw, that rhymes too!) 😛

    But yes, as you said butterflies will not settle and these shows are what gets us going…

    So to the ppl who are in town on the 27th december….either extend your Christmas celebrations or pre-pone your new year ones, choice is yours! But skipping this isn’t a choice at all!!

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